History (1899 - Present)
The First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Monongahela, PA, evolved from a Christian Bible School group and a Christian Endeavor Society which met in Markell Hall on Main Street in Monongahela. The actual church was organized August 17, 1899, by J.A. Bennett with 38 members. As new members were received, they were baptized in Wolf's Creek, a creek that flowed into the Monongahela River beyond Donora on the way to Charleroi.
In October 1900, a frame building newly erected on a Chess Street lot where the present church stands was dedicated. The church was incorporated in 1901. As the church membership grew, a brick house adjoining the church was purchased in January 1907 to create additional room for Bible School classes, and an annex was built behind it to accommodate the primary department. Another purchase of property in October 1910 was a frame building on the eastern side of the three buildings mentioned; it was removed in 1923. In May 1923, Miss Margaret Thirkfield presented the church with a block of property including a store and residence on the corner of Chess and Sixth Streets which is now the parsonage. In the year 1917, a building fund was started. During the next years, there were many efforts exerted to allow the building fund to grow. Depression in the nation slowed that dream, but it was always in the thoughts of leadership and members; thus, in 1937, the plans for remodeling were put into action. First, the men of the church removed the brick building and the frame section behind it. The original frame church building was raised on pilings of cribbing blocks by an outside contractor and was then to be covered with Perma-Stone. All this came to a sudden halt when on the afternoon of June 14, 1937, a severe wind and rainstorm toppled the old church building into the excavation -- a complete destruction with no insurance to cover the loss. It was a blessing, however, because it drew the membership together. While members and friends worked to clear away the wreckage, the First Presbyterian Church graciously offered the use of their basement including a stage for our services. The congregation began to have the morning worship service first, followed by Bible School. This practice proved to be satisfactory and continues to the present day. The center stone in the front of our present building was set in November 1939. The downstairs was completed in November 1940. The sanctuary was completed for use and dedicated on May 17, 1942. In the early 1980s, a concrete ramp was constructed at the southeast corner of the church building. In January 1984, a new addition including a handicap ramp was dedicated, housing the pastor's study, the church office, a kitchenette, and a meeting room. In 1987, a chair lift was placed in the stairway inside the Sixth Street entrance to aid in reaching the downstairs social hall. Ceiling fans were installed in the sanctuary in 1985, and air-conditioning was installed in the church in 2006. In 2008, the ramp leading to the addition was completely redone along with the steps on the 7th Street side. In 2016, the ramp and steps on the 6th Street side were completely redone. |